We are currently inviting submissions through Nov. 30, 2024 and again Jan. 1  through April 16, 2025. See below for more information and happy writing!

General Submission FAQs

Q:What do you pay your writers?                                       

A: We pay $50, regardless of length. This will be issued via Paypal after the online publication of your work.

Q: What kind of stuff can I send?
A: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, comics, lists, and audio files. Especially the last four. We want more of those.

Q: Simultaneous submissions okay?
A: You bet. But you should know that if your work is accepted elsewhere and you don’t bother to withdraw it from our submission manager, your name goes on the Secret Blackball Wiki shared by every lit mag editor on the planet. If you’re submitting Poetry, please add a “note” to your submission with the title of the piece you’re pulling so that we can still consider your other two submissions.

Q: How about multiple submissions? I’ll send you my whole collection, and you guys can pick which villanelle you like.
A: With poems, send up to 3. With everything else, just send one thing at a time, please. If we kick it back, you can send us something else right away.

Q: If accepted, will my work go into the print issue?
Maybe. We publish around 48 pieces a year online. Twice a year we design and release print issues, which are curated from material that appeared on the web .

Q: Do you take submissions during the summer?
A: We are open to new submissions from September through March, with a December, coming-up-for-air break. We continue to read existing submissions from April to June. Once July hits, we put our brains in the chest freezer so we can pursue other interests.* Look for our contests, though! We don’t run them every summer, but we always post in advance of opening.

Q: What is your acceptance rate?
A: Our acceptance rate is typically around 1% or lower. 

Q: How much can I submit?
A: Depends on the category.
--Poetry: up to 3 poems
--Fiction or Creative Nonfiction: up to 7,500 words
--Comics: up to 20 pages, JPEG, width: 850-900px, Landscape preferred

--Audio: up to eight minutes of content

Q: Is it cool if I just send you an email with my work, or mail you a hard copy?
A: Sorry, no. We have a workflow and reading teams and a process.

Q: How many submissions do you receive?
A: From September to March, we typically receive around 3,000 submissions, an average of around 15 per day. 

*Wiffle ball, naps, reading comics books, and naps while reading comic books.

Ends on $3.00

Send us MP3, WAV, or MP4 files. Be sure to record 0.5 to 1 second of room tone at its beginning and 1 to 5 seconds of room tone at its end. You may attach a written transcript of the work, but this is absolutely not necessary. Audio files should not exceed 8 minutes of content. We are interested in housing everything from narrative fiction to spoken word to personal essay and beyond.

Ends on $3.00

JPEG, width: 850-900px, Landscape preferred. If submitting more than 1 image, please include them all in a single zip file.

Ends on $3.00

One submission at a time. Please keep submissions to no more than 7,500 words in a single document. 

Ends on $3.00

One submission at a time. No more than 7,500 words, please. 

Ends on $3.00

One submission at a time. We’re looking for no more than 7,500 words, please. 

Ends on $3.00

Include up to 3 poems in a single document. Please add a note to your submissions should a specific poem get accepted elsewhere.